
TForce Freight Negotiations Update: May 26, 2023


The Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) met with TForce Freight this week in Chicago to continue negotiations for a new national agreement to succeed the current agreement that is set to expire on July 31.   

Spirited discussions were had across the table on many subjects, including the company’s subcontracting and excessive rail usage.  

The union also introduced a work preservation agreement to address certain concerns about the diversion of unit work away from bargaining unit members and to promote job security.  

Some progress was made on various open articles such as protections against the company seeking to go back years to recover overpayments in wages, enhancing penalties against the company for untimely payments, and FMLA leave.  

In terms of economics, the parties exchanged detailed proposals but remain far apart.  

The parties will resume bargaining on June 12 in Dallas. TNFINC would like to thank the members for their continued support as we work together to achieve the best possible contract.