Vision, Solidarity, Action: Stop The War On Workers
WHEREAS, the jobs, wages, and benefits of tens of millions of Americans are under assault by a coordinated War on Workers, and
WHEREAS, the War on Workers is being conducted at every level of American society — in the workplace, in the mass media, in City Halls, State Houses, and the nation’s Capitol, and
WHEREAS, in order to Stop the War on Workers, the American people need a strong, united, and vibrant labor movement, and
WHEREAS, the Teamsters Union is the most visible, strongest, and vibrant union in America, and
WHEREAS, millions of Americans look to the Teamsters Union as a leader in the fight to Stop the War on Workers,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, the Teamsters Union will unite with all those who share our Vision of an America where working people have the following rights:
- The right to union representation,
- The right to collective bargaining,
- The right to a job with a living wage,
- The right to health care,
- The right to strong pensions and retirement security,
- The right to quality public education, and finally,
- The right to free speech and assembly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the delegates to the 28th International Convention will work to build Action Plans through the Local Unions, Joint Councils, and the International Union that:
Educates our members to the stakes involved in the fight to Stop the War on Workers, and makes the age-old slogan “An Injury to One is an Injury to All” the standard of unity between workers in all occupations and all sectors, from the public to the private sector.
Mobilizes our members and their families to become involved in the fight to Stop the War on Workers at all levels – in the workplace, in the community, in the mass media, and in City Halls, State Houses, and on Capitol Hill.
Strengthens our bonds of solidarity and unity of action with our allies in the labor movement and the wider community in the fight to Stop the War on Workers,
Identifies the enemies of American Workers, and targets them for public rebuke – from the Chamber of Commerce to the Koch Brothers, from Sean Hannity to Fox News, from right wing anti-Worker politicians like Scott Walker to Mitt Romney,
Builds the strength of our Teamsters union and American workers by intensifying and expanding our campaigns to organize the unorganized, by expanding our financial and organizational capacity in the political arena, and intensifying our efforts to protect the jobs and conditions of our members through collective bargaining,
Lays the groundwork for the defeat of right wing anti-labor politicians in upcoming elections at the Municipal, State, and Federal levels.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Teamster leaders who are delegates to this 28th Convention will make every effort in the course of the next six months of campaigning for International Union office to refrain from public pronouncements that can be used by the enemies of workers to undermine the strength of our union and our common fight to Stop the War on Workers.