Press Releases
IKEA Canada To Pay Damages To The Teamsters Union

The British Columbia Labour Relations Board has upheld a complaint filed by Teamsters Local Union 213 against Ikea Canada. In an award issued July 24, the Board concluded that Ikea violated the law when it negotiated directly with workers and offered to all workers who accepted to cross the picket line better working conditions (including a $2.50 an hour premium and a $500 bonus) than the working conditions that it had offered to the Teamsters at the bargaining table. The Board also affirmed that Ikea negotiated in bad faith. The Board ordered Ikea to cease and desist from contravening the law and from committing further unfair labour practices. The employer was also ordered to pay damages to the Teamsters.
“Ikea must understand that the Teamsters will be there for the members and that we will take all necessary recourses to protect the members and the collective bargaining process. We have the means and the patience to conclude this dispute in due time in a manner that will be beneficial to the members,” said Robert Bouvier, President of Teamsters Canada.
The employees of the Ikea store in Richmond, British-Columbia, have been locked out since May 13, 2013.
The Teamsters represents 115,000 members in Canada in all trades. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, with which Teamsters Canada is affiliated, has 1.4 million members in North America.