Headline News
Hoffa Heads To Wisconsin To Urge Teamsters To The Polls

Jim Hoffa, Teamsters’ General President, barnstormed the state of Wisconsin today to encourage fellow Teamsters to vote for working family candidates and those who support collective bargaining.
“For too long this state has been mired down by politicians who want to stifle the state economy and trample on the rights of union workers,” Hoffa said. “Let’s all work together to elect new leadership that supports the livelihoods of working families. Teamsters and union members across the state are ready and willing to re-establish Wisconsin as a powerhouse for job growth in the Midwest.”
In Milwaukee today, Hoffa visited with members of Teamsters Local 344 and 200 at their union halls, as well as at the Snap On tool corporation and the Leinenkugel brewery, whose employees are represented by the Teamsters. Snap-on, which makes tools and diagnostic equipment for automotive repair shops, employs about 1,000 people in southeastern Wisconsin
“My family and I have seen a lot of changes for the worse here in our state,” said Rey Reyes, a Teamster member working for last eight years at Snap-on. “I’m supporting a candidate for governor who will support working families and honor collective bargaining rights.”
Teamsters Local 200, which is based in Milwaukee, is one of the largest Teamsters local in the state, with about 7,500 members. The local also represents workers at Roundy’s Inc. and Nestle among other companies.
Tomorrow, Hoffa will continue meeting with Wisconsin Teamsters before moving on and making stops in the Chicago area.