Press Releases
Teamsters Joint Council 16 Statement On Immigration Action

(NEW YORK) – The following is a statement from George Miranda, President of Teamsters Joint Council 16 and the Teamsters National Hispanic Caucus, in response to President Obama’s announcement of an executive order on immigration.
“Teamsters know that our diversity gives us strength. When our brothers and sisters demand justice and respect, we stand with them.
“President Obama is fulfilling the American promise for millions of immigrant families. People who make homes in this country, who pay taxes, who do the jobs that run our economy should be full participants in our society. And we should keep their families together.
“Millions of workers will now be able to work legally. Undocumented workers across the country are terrorized daily by the threat of deportation from their employers. The threat silences them and prevents them from asserting their rights to fair pay and safe work. By nullifying that weapon, President Obama is allowing workers not just a legal job, but the right to demand a good job.
“Those who complain about process should remember the toll that years of congressional dithering has wrought. The president chose justice and courage over inaction and gridlock. Millions of families are stronger for it.”
Teamsters Joint Council 16 represents 120,000 members across Downstate New York and Puerto Rico. The Teamsters National Hispanic Caucus is an organization of Teamster members who advocate for Hispanic interests at the local and national level.
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