Putting Working Families First, Make Wall Street Pay

WHEREAS, the economic crisis that began in 2008 continues to destroy the jobs, homes, and living conditions of millions of American workers, and
WHEREAS, the economic crisis was generated by a financial crisis whose origins can be found in the reckless profit-at-any-cost policies of the major Wall Street banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions, and
WHEREAS, Wall Street profits and executive compensation are back to pre-crisis levels, while millions of Americans remain jobless and are losing their homes, and millions more are seeing their wages and benefits reduced, and
WHEREAS, the Wall Street induced financial crisis has led to the deterioration of the funding status of workers’ pension funds in both the public and private sectors, and put the promised retirement security of millions of workers at risk, and
WHEREAS, not a single person directly responsible for the financial crisis has been prosecuted by any law enforcement agency, and
WHEREAS, not a single worker, pension fund, or home owner, has received a government “bailout,” while the government spent trillions bailing out Wall Street financial institutions, and
WHEREAS, the Congressional Financial Reform package is too weak and does not truly change the rules of the Wall Street casino, and
WHEREAS both the Democratic Congress and the new Republican Congress have refused to offer a helping hand to our pension funds, despite a massive Teamster lobbying and mobilization campaign,
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Teamsters Union unite with its allies in the labor movement and the community to make Wall Street pay for the financial crisis by demanding:
The prosecution of the CEOs and other Wall Street players directly responsible for destroying the economy and the jobs, homes, and living standards of millions of Americans, and
A financial rescue package for struggling pension funds, and
A moratorium on home foreclosures, and
That Wall Street banks be forced to restructure the debt obligations of struggling companies that would otherwise be forced to shut down and eliminate jobs.