Right-to-Work (For Less)

WHEREAS, throughout the country, corporate CEOs and their conservative allies in governors’ offices, statehouses and Congress are attempting a coordinated
War on Workers to eliminate basic workplace rights through an anti-worker legislative agenda; and
WHEREAS, while working families struggle to maintain a high quality of life, these same anti-worker forces are driving down wages and benefits by attempting to pass Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation in at least 10 states, instead of assisting the working families with necessary tools to succeed in the current economic climate; and
WHEREAS, Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation does not offer any rights for workers, and clearly provides no new employment opportunities for working families; and
WHEREAS, new federal legislation has now been introduced calling for a national Right-to-Work (for Less) law, and this legislation would also for the first time create a Right-to-Work (for Less) law for employees covered by the Railway Labor Act; and
WHEREAS, despite proponents’ claims to the contrary, Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation does not aid in creating jobs in states struggling in the current economic climate. The top ten states with the highest unemployment rates in the country are evenly split between non-Right-to-Work (for Less) states and Right-to-Work (for Less) states. In many instances, business leaders in states considering this legislation do not even consider Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation a priority for the creation of jobs, or for locating businesses in respective states; and
WHEREAS, instead, Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation will undoubtedly drive down living standards impacting workers, their communities, and states. On average, workers in the 22 states in which Right-to-Work (for Less) is law earn $5,500 less every year, or $458 less each month, than their counterparts in the 28 non-Right-to-Work (for Less) states; and
WHEREAS, workers in Right-to-Work (for Less) states also are less likely to receive necessary health benefits and/or retirement plans from their employers, and are significantly more likely to have workplace injuries as compared to their nonRight-to-Work (for Less) counterparts; and
WHEREAS, statistical evidence also shows that Right-to-Work (for Less) states have worsening school systems, higher rates of poverty, and increased rates of other societal conditions which negatively impact the quality-of-life in those states.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this 28th Convention of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters believes that Right-to-Work (for Less) legislative proposals should be rejected by both elected officials as well as the public, and in the current economy, public officials should be providing workers the necessary tools to succeed in maintaining a high quality-of-life, not pursuing a right-wing political agenda; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that elected officials in states throughout the and Republicans – should be commended for standing up for working families in their respective states; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that right-wing organizations almost entirely funded by wealthy zealots, including the Koch brothers, continue to push Right-to-Work (for Less) measures throughout the country in a well-funded and coordinated fashion in an effort to eliminate necessary worker rights and obtain increased profits and wealth at the expense of workers and the communities in which they reside; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Teamsters Union should remain vigilant in countering Right-to-Work (for Less) threats that currently exist in the 28 non-Right-to-Work (for Less) states and work to repeal Right-to-Work in the 22 states where such laws are currently in place; and
FINALLY, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that opposing this legislation should remain a paramount priority for the Teamsters Union, working families, and allies throughout the country as to ensure that a strong and vibrant American middle class continues.