Headline News

Waste Workers At Republic In California Join Local 386

By a 12-0 vote, 13 workers at Republic Services in Los Banos and in Atwater, in California, voted to join Local 386 in Modesto. The votes in the mail-in election were counted on January 3, 2012.

“The workers at the two locations are seeking fair treatment and respect,” said John Costa, Local 386 Vice President. “They also often work without breaks or lunches, and they are seeking affordable health care. Some of the workers pay more than $300 a month for health care.”

Republic sent someone from Phoenix to talk to the workers to persuade them to vote against forming a union, but the tactic failed miserably.

“The guys stayed firm. They just stared this person down and talked him down,” Costa said.

“We know contract negotiations will be difficult but we will work hard to address the workers’ issues,” Costa said.

“We have had several organizing victories at Republic in recent weeks and we hope to build on this momentum so that these workers gain a more secure future,” said Bob Morales, Director of the Teamsters Solid Waste, Recycling and Related Industries Division. “Republic workers do a great job day in and day out and they deserve rights and protections that come with being Teamsters.”