
Coming Together…What Does A Merger Mean for Us?

An announcement is expected to come soon about the likely merger between US Airways and American Airlines. If the two airlines decide to merge, what does that mean for US Airways mechanics and related?

The most important thing to understand is that, in the short term, it won’t change anything for us and our drive to get Teamster cards signed. At least for now, our mission remains the same: we need everyone to sign a Teamster card so we can file for an election, vote the IAM out, and become Teamsters!

Here’s what we can expect when a merger is announced:

So the bottom line is that our drive to become Teamsters at US Air remains unchanged by the announcement of a merger. If you haven’t signed a Teamster authorization card yet, we urge you to do so NOW! The majority of our brothers and sisters in many stations have already signed Teamster cards, so we are closer than ever to moving to an election.

It’s time for a FRESH START with the TEAMSTERS!

For more information, visit the US Airways Fresh Start campaign website or call the campaign hotline at 1-800-786-9627.