We’re At Majority Support For Teamsters In Tampa!
We have another Teamster-majority station! Our brothers and sisters at TPA announced that a majority of mechanics and related at that station have signed Teamster cards.
Click here to read their flier announcing the majority.
We’re getting closer and closer to winning powerful Teamster representation at AA! As our coworkers in Tampa say in the new flier, “It’s time for a strong airline mechanics union at AA that can give us the representation we deserve. That union is the Teamsters!”
We now have majority support for the Teamsters at 14 stations nationwide, including Tulsa, AFW, LAX, MIA, DWH and JFK. Congratulations to our brothers and sisters in Tampa for hitting majority. Let’s keep pushing to get more Teamster cards signed so we can move to an election and bring in the Teamsters.
Check out the TPA majority flier and share it with your coworkers.
With the TEAMSTERS We Can WIN!
For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters campaign website or call the campaign hotline at 877-589-4951.