Headline News
AA Mechanics’ Letter to Coworkers and US Airways Mechanics
Recently, a group of AA mechanics from stations around the country got together and wrote a letter, which was mailed out to AA and US Airways mechanics nationwide. Their letter, which addresses both AA mechanics and related coworkers and mechanics at US Air, is an important document that everyone should read.
Click here to read the letter from our coworkers.
The letter is written by mechanics who belong to the Nationwide Committee of AA Mechanics for Change to the Teamsters, representing 22 stations across the country. We think this letter is really insightful and reflects the overwhelming feelings of mechanics and related in our workforce.
This rank-and-file letter also reaches out to our brothers and sisters at US Airways, noting our shared interests and desire for strong Teamster representation as the two airlines merge.
Take a look at the mechanics’ letter. If you haven’t already, please sign a Teamster card today and urge your coworkers to do so as well.
With the TEAMSTERS We Can WIN!
For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters campaign website or call the campaign hotline at 877-589-4951.