
Fair And Equitable Seniority Integration

What is “fair and equitable” seniority integration? We know it is required by law, but there are multiple approaches to handling seniority integration. The stated positions of some unions in this representation campaign suggest they advocate a reckless path that would result in arbitration – which would disadvantage many of us in the merger with US Airways. Only the Teamsters are advocating a responsible approach aimed at protecting our seniority.

Click here to read the latest factsheet about seniority and the various methods on integration.

Seniority integration is complex. This is especially true in a merger between two large airlines like AA and US Air. The new factsheet on seniority integration outlines five methods frequently used in arbitration, most of which would lead to a number of glaring problems for mechanics at AA.

The best way to protect our seniority  is simply to protect our date of entering the craft. The Teamsters firmly believe that no one should get an unfair advantage during integration. Most of the methods considered in arbitration focus on the economic plight of the carriers, leaving employees as mere beneficiaries or victims of the employers’ business decisions. The only thing that should matter in seniority integration is what is best for employees and their futures – not the fortunes or misfortunes of the carriers.

While other groups are advocating seniority integration positions that could force arbitration, the Teamsters are the only union looking out for our future with a commitment to protecting our seniority in the fairest way possible.

Read the full factsheet here and share it with your coworkers. Make sure you have signed a Teamster card and get your coworkers to sign one too.

With the TEAMSTERS We Can WIN!

For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters campaign website or call the hotline at 877-589-4951.