
A Letter from Teamsters Local 2727 Pres. Bob Combine on Behalf of UPS Airline Teamster Mechanics

As mechanics and related employees at American Airlines and US Airways, we’ve come together over the past several months to build a strong movement for Teamster power at both airlines. Today, we are very close to moving to an election as both airlines proceed to merge into the world’s largest airline. We’re excited to finally have the chance to replace our weak TWU and IAM representation with strong Teamster representation. Other Teamster airline mechanics are excited, too.

A new letter from Teamsters Local 2727 President Bob Combine on behalf of UPS Airline Teamster mechanics addresses both of our work groups, expressing support for our campaigns and explaining what strong Teamster representation looks like at UPS Airline. CLICK HERE to read the letter.

Brother Combine writes about the incredible strength Teamster mechanics at UPS Airline have, boasting the best contract in the industry. “As aviation maintenance and related professionals, we know firsthand that the representational strength and negotiating power of the Teamsters is second to none,” he writes. “Across the board, our Teamster contract is the best in the industry. We enjoy the highest standards in terms of pay, benefits, work conditions, retirement, and job protection. Mechanics and related workers at UPS Airline are at the top of the industry because they have the powerful representation of the best airline mechanics union in the country.”

Thanks to strong scope language in their contract, UPS Airline mechanics and related Teamsters have won significant grievances against the company in recent years, reversing attempts by UPS to farm out work. “While UPS is a cargo carrier with many important distinctions from passenger airlines like American and US Airways, the fact is that the Teamsters have an unparalled record fighting for the strongest contracts in our industry,” says Combine.

This letter points to the bankruptcy, outsourcing and concessionary bargaining we have faced at both American and US Airways. Brother Combine’s words inspire us to come together and turn things around with the industry-leading power of the Teamsters. We need the largest and strongest airline mechanics union at the world’s largest airline.

Read the full letter and share it with your coworkers. Let’s continue getting Teamster cards signed. We’re all in this together!


For more information, visit us on the web at AA Mechanics for Teamsters and US Airways Fresh Start. Call the campaign hotline for AA at 877-589-4951 and the US Airways Fresh Start hotline at 1-800-786-9627.