The TWU’s Secret Deal
Recently the company, the TWU and the IAM reached a secret deal on seniority integration for mechanics and related at the merging American Airlines and US Airways. Neither union felt it was necessary to provide notice, include members, or even tell us about this deal. Instead, they met behind closed doors and left workers in the dark.
When does the TWU plan to start listening to its members? The public learned about the TWU-IAM deal before most of us knew about it. It’s insulting that TWU officials feel entitled to negotiate a deal on an issue of vital importance to us without consulting the mechanics and related workers whose seniority would be affected by the agreement. None of us knew this deal was being negotiated even though seniority is perhaps the most important item for a union member – this cuts at the very fundamentals of unionism.
It’s exactly this kind of backroom deal-cutting that has led to massive campaigns by mechanics at both airlines to dump the TWU and the IAM so we can have proper, democratic rank-and-file representation as Teamsters.
It is time to replace the TWU’s corporate-style deal-cutting with strong union representation. We need a union that listens to and fights for its membership – the Teamsters!
SIGN A TEAMSTER CARD NOW and tell your coworkers to sign one, too!
With the TEAMSTERS We Will WIN!
For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters campaign website or call the hotline at 877-589-4951.