
WE DID IT! We Filed for Our Teamster Election!

Today we officially filed for our election with the National Mediation Board to become Teamsters. Many months of hard work getting Teamster cards signed have led to this moment and we should all be very proud. We will soon have the opportunity to vote in the Teamsters and negotiate a strong contract to raise standards and secure our future as US Airways mechanics and related.                               

Click here to read the leaflet with more info on our filing to become Teamsters at US Airways! Also, check out the press release announcing our filing.

The Teamsters have the resources and experience to fight for us at the world’s largest airline. Today we have made a major step toward addressing our concerns around job security, fair wages, good benefits, strong retirement security and having real union representation. We know the IAM will not survive the merger with American Airlines. Only the Teamsters have what it takes to fight for us at US Airways.

As Teamsters Airline Division Director David Bourne said in a press statement today, “From the beginning, this campaign has been driven by the tireless worker organizers at US Airways who took it upon themselves to gain majority support for the Teamsters Union. It is this commitment that will lead to a more secure future for all 4,000 mechanics and related at US Airways.”

Check out the flier on our filing and let’s keep working together to get the job done.


For more information, visit the US Airways Fresh Start campaign website or call the campaign hotline at 1-800-786-9627.