
So Much for that Big Equity Stake

For months the TWU has been making big promises about our equity stake. Let’s not forget that this was the one thing that the TWU supposedly won for us in exchange for all of the crippling concessions it allowed the company to force down our throats. This was supposed to be the one silver lining in the whole concessionary agreement we took. That silver lining is looking paper thin now.

It turns out there are all kinds of conditions and limits to the so-called 4.8 percent equity share.

Needless to say, the TWU’s presentation to mechanics in Tulsa last week didn’t go over so well. Many of us in the room were booing, infuriated by the TWU’s incompetent and corrupt handling of our promised 4.8 percent equity stake.

Once again the TWU has failed its members at AA. And once again we’re reminded of why we’re organizing for Teamster power at the world’s largest airline.

With the TEAMSTERS We Can WIN!

For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters website or call the hotline at 877-589-4951.