
Turn Up the Pressure Against CEO Looting at AA!

Last Friday, US Trustee Tracy Hope Davis made her final objection urging Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane to oppose Tom Horton’s $20 million severance package. As the mechanics and related workforce of the airline that Horton bankrupted, we share Davis’s outrage and made that clear with our petition that we launched in June. Now we need to turn up the pressure against CEO looting at AA before the judge makes a final decision.

Click here to sign the petition opposing Horton’s $20 million severance.

It’s unconscionable for a company to award its CEO a massive sum of money after he bankrupted AA and left more than a thousand of our coworkers without jobs. Horton’s bankruptcy left us with a frozen pension and yet another contract that is full of givebacks and concessions for our mechanics and related craft. We can’t let him get away with pocketing millions of dollars while we continue to suffer.

The final bankruptcy hearing is on August 15. Judge Lane will consider confirming the reorganization plan, including Horton’s severance. As the Trustee has argued, Horton’s bloated compensation would be a violation of federal bankruptcy law. And it’s also just plain wrong to reward Horton for failure and for devastating AA’s workforce.

The time is now to stand with Trustee Davis and oppose outrageous executive compensation. Your signature will send a message to Judge Lane that workers and the general public are against giving Horton a $20 million golden parachute.

If you haven’t already, sign the petition now and share it with all of your coworkers, friends, family and neighbors.

With the TEAMSTERS We Will WIN!

For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters website or call the hotline at 877-589-4951.