
We’re Tired of Going Backwards

Our craft has lost enough at AA and we’re tired of pioneering losses the hurt mechanics and related across the industry. Only the Teamsters can turn it around for us at AA.

B-757 H/C checks & mods to TIMCO and ST Aerospace

B-737 H/C checks & mods to ATS in Seattle

B-767 L/C checks to PEMCO in Tampa

B-777 H/C checks to HAECO in China

Outsourced component work (i.e. pneumatic starters)

Door opened to outsourcing in Tulsa – some shops and work already gone

Kansas City maintenance base & related jobs

AFW maintenance base & related jobs

Cabin cleaning classification

Building cleaning classification

Click here to download the flier and share it with your coworkers.

We’re tired of pioneering losses for our craft. Only the Teamsters can turn it around for us at AA.

With the TEAMSTERS We Will WIN!

For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters website or call the hotline at 877-589-4951.