
ABF Members Approve National Master Freight Agreement


ABF members have approved the ABF National Master Freight Agreement, which protects workers’ health, welfare and pension benefits and helps save 7,500 union freight jobs. Members also approved 21 of the 27 supplements.

At press time, the National Freight Division was working with local unions to re-vote the supplements before the national contract could take effect.

“This national contract addresses our members’ number one goal—to protect their health, welfare and pension benefits,” said Gordon Sweeton, Assistant National Freight Division Director and Co-Chairman of the ABF Negotiating Committee. “We accomplished this despite all the financial challenges the company is facing.”

The national contract also helps ABF remain competitive, which protects 7,500 Teamster freight jobs. ABF has lost more than $250 million since 2009. The national agreement does call for a 7-percent pay cut, but that will be entirely recouped by the fifth year of the contract.

“Nobody ever wants to see a pay cut, but in light of the company’s struggles and our desire to see the company survive, something needed to be done,” Sweeton said. “It is in our best interests, as well as ABF’s, that this company be given a chance to climb out of this deep recession so that our members’ futures are protected.”

The national agreement was unanimously endorsed by the ABF Negotiating Committee and by local union leaders that represent ABF members. Once it takes effect, the agreement will run for five years, retroactive to March 31, 2013.