Stay Connected
The Teamsters Union is connecting with members in new ways thanks to online media.
In recent years, the union has branched out from their main website at www.teamster.org to encompass several social networking sites. In the process, the union has connected with rank-and-file members in ways that were impossible just a few years ago.
“Whether we’re organizing new members or trying to help victims of a natural disaster or letting people know about a rally going on in their state, the Teamsters Union has taken advantage of online social networking in ways that are helping our members and potential members,” said Jim Hoffa, Teamsters General President.
Teamster.org and the union’s main blog, Teamster Nation (found at teamsternation.blogspot.com), are still the main outlets for news and information about the union, but to really stay connected, check out the Teamsters on these sites: