Headline News
Health First

Healthy eating habits and exercise can make all the difference, as members of Teamsters Local 777 in Lyons, Ill., learned at a recent membership meeting.
Local 777’s November membership meeting featured a dynamic speaker and registered dietitian, JoAnna Siciliano, who was invited by Local 777 to talk about the importance of health and wellness.
The presentation provided a forum for members to get answers to their important health questions. A variety of resources were provided to keep Teamsters on a healthy track, including time frames for critical diagnostic tests, such as mammograms, colonoscopies and other screenings that take place throughout various life stages.
Nutrition education was a major focus of the presentation, as unhealthy eating habits contribute to disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is common, serious and costly. More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese. Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, some of the leading causes of preventable death.
Potatoes, pasta and meat—how does one gauge the recommended servings for food? Members learned easy tips, like making a fist to measure what a serving of food should look like.
What about drivers who are constantly on the go and have little access to healthy eating options on the road?
“Bring along some nuts to supplement your protein and to fill you up,” Siciliano recommended.
What are good sources of fiber? Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber and, for the most part, low in calories. Having low-calorie, healthy snacks on hand helps eliminate the tempting call of the snack machine.
And, of course, moderation and portion control, along with exercise, are critical to losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight.
“The tools provided will help me be more aware of my health, and I now understand what I need to do to stay healthy at this stage of my life,” said Regina Enders, a school bus driver and shop steward who attended the meeting.
“The health choices we make affect all aspects of our lives. We’re glad that our members benefited from this program and we hope to offer it again,” said Jim Glimco, President of Local 777.