Headline News
Retaliation Against Korean Railway Strikers Intensifies

Korean railway workers who went on strike December 9 are facing fierce retaliation.
Arrests of union leaders have begun and police have raided the Korean Railway Workers’ Union headquarters, seizing computer files and other equipment. The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) reports that the military is mobilizing as strikebreakers.
The current strike is the longest railway strike in Korea’s history. The workers are striking against broadly unpopular rail privatization and restructuring plans.
To learn more and show your support, visit the campaign website for a template protest letter to send to the South Korean diplomatic mission.
Join the LabourStart campaign to tell the Korean government to respect the workers’ right to strike
“Like” and support the workers’ Facebook page, here:
Read the letter to South Korean President Park Geun-hye from Freddie Simpson, President of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division of the Teamsters.