Headline News
Nashville Chapter of TNBC Honors Leaders
The Nashville Middle TN Valley Chapter of the Teamsters National Black Caucus (TNBC) held its second annual awards banquet titled “Education and Accountability” on February 22, 2014 in Nashville.
The event honored Nashville’s black history leaders for helping educating our union members, our kids, and our communities, and then holding them accountable.
The honorees were Doris Tigg (Teamsters Local 327 Secretary of Treasurer, BA, and Office Manager), Melvin Miller (Teamsters Local 480 Recording Secretary and BA), Jeffery Johnson (Teamsters Local 519 Recording Secretary), Lonnell Matthews Jr (Metro Nashville City Council Member – District 1), Shirley G. McCleskey, (Schrader Lane Childcare Center Director/K- Lead Teacher).
Chapter President James Curbeam addressed the audience about the TNBC’s history and mission, the importance of educating the youth, and the hurdles organized labor is facing in Tennessee. The audience was filled with Teamsters, elected officials, candidates for office, other union leaders and the Nashville community.
“The Nashville Middle Tennessee Valley TNBC 2nd Annual Banquet was enjoyed by all present,” said Kenneth L. Paige, Southern Region Chairman of the TNBC). “I was inspired to see the TNBC members, union officials and political leaders having meaningful conversations regarding issues that affect our economy and our nation. Congratulations to the Nashville chapter for a great event.”
Congratulations to Curbeam and the Nashville executive board: Kevin Frierson, Vice President; James Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer; Cornelius Kilgore, Recording Secretary; and trustees Scott Harrison and Jason Hollifield for a great theme this year.
“Congratulations also to all the honorees for being recognized,” said Al Mixon, Chairman of the TNBC. “Let’s continue to move forward and educate and build bridges collectively and if all of us continue to do our part, and more when feasible, then we start to make a positive impact and have a high level of accountability.”
The night was closed when Curbeam challenged a young member, Troy Woods (part-time UPS member) to get more involved with the TNBC and Teamsters Local 480. Curbeam offered to help educate brother Woods about the Teamsters and the TNBC. Curbeam also stated that it was great to honor our black history leaders but we must educate our youth to create our future leaders.