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Listen To Teamster Nation News For April 16-22

Teamsters help defeat right to work in Missouri and Maine; Teamster numbers growing at Penn State; UPS workers get jobs back; House should follow Senate’s lead on unemployment; Teamster taxi drivers making gains; Income inequality gets worse; Unanimous victory in Allentown; Art Fair to be 100-percent union; new Amtrak contract; Pipeline training; Corrections officers seek pay parity; contract for Phoenix/Lobo Teamsters.
Right-to-work legislation fails in Missouri despite blitz by billionaire-backed groups and leading right wingers; Local 8 in State College, Pa. has the potential to add 3,500 new members at Penn State through accretion; After UPS fired 250 Teamsters in New York, the union worked to get their jobs back; Major hurdles remain in the U.S. House of Representatives before they reinstate long-term unemployment benefits; The Washington, D.C. Taxi Operators Association has been working to level the playing field between taxi drivers and “private sedan services” like Uber, Sidecar and Lyft, and the D.C. Taxi Cab Commission recently introduced a notice for proposed rulemaking; Income inequality is as bad as it was in the 1920s and part of the problem is CEOs are getting huge raises; Road crew workers in Allentown, Pa. unanimously voted for their first Teamster contract, which includes significant improvements; New York’s Frieze Art Fair will be union staffed this year after organizers were accused of hiring out-of-state staff to avoid hiring union workers; BMWED members have a new Amtrak contract; The Ohio Conference of Teamsters and the Teamsters national Pipeline Training Fund will sponsor a training program in Ohio in late April; Teamster corrections officers visited Florida’s capitol last week to lobby legislators for a raise; Local 812 Teamsters have a new contract after the company successfully rebounded from Hurricane Sandy damage.