Headline News
Simpson Re-Elected To Head BMWED
Freddie N. Simpson was re-elected to a four-year term as President of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED) at the union’s third Regular Convention. Simpson, who has served as BMWED President since 2004, is also a International Vice President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
The convention delegates additionally voted to elect five vice presidents and six members of the Executive Board to four-year terms: Perry Geller, Secretary-Treasurer; David Joynt, Vice President At-Large; Roger Sanchez, Vice President South; Bruce Glover, Vice President Northwest; David Scoville, Vice President West; Sean Gerie, Vice President Northeast; Jack David, Executive Board At-Large; Staci Moody-Gilbert, Executive Board At-Large; Roy Miller, Executive Board Northwest; Gary Marquart, Executive Board West; Dennis Albers, Executive Board South, and Jedd Dodd, Executive Board Northeast.
As part of the day’s proceedings, delegates discussed the merits of proposed resolutions to the BMWED bylaws and heard a presentation on Whistleblower Protection Regulation given by Rick Inclima, BMWED’s Director of Safety, and Harry Zanville, special counsel to the BMWED.