Headline News

Teamsters Continue Picket Line at Clifton Steel


Teamsters 507 members working at Clifton Steel in Cleveland, Ohio, are still picketing after they were locked out when the company tried to eliminate benefits on April 24.  The employees, whose hard work paid off for the company (Clifton Steel had $28 million in sales last year) are continuing their daily vigil outside the facility entrance in Cleveland.

Al Mixon, principal officer of Local 507 and Teamsters International Union Vice President, said, “Our members are staying strong on the line because they worked many years and built Clifton Steel into a successful business.  They believe in this company, but right now the owners are proposing to take away their pensions.  It’s outrageous that a company with profits in the millions of dollars is trying to take retirement security away from loyal employees.  We will not stand for Clifton’s War On Workers.”