
Unity Wins Strong Contract


Three years of tough negotiations have concluded at Advanced Disposal in Detroit, and members voted to approve their first four-year agreement. The contract, approved unanimously by rank-and-file members during a special ratification meeting, makes significant progress in wages and health care, and includes other groundbreaking benefits.

“When Advanced Disposal members voted to join Local 247 in 2011, we pledged to stand with them to win a contract that made improvements across the board,” said Local 247 Secretary-Treasurer Paul Kozicki. “It would have been easier to just accept what the employer offered and move on, but the members were unwilling to do that. They hung together and it was their determination which won the day.”

Kozicki thanked Steward Paul Feijoo and Alternate Steward Blake Gary for their outstanding leadership as members of the Advanced Disposal Bargaining Committee.

“Paul and Blake both did a great job of representing members during this very long process,” Kozicki said. “Steward Feijoo deserves special recognition. He worked diligently to keep members informed of what was going on in negotiations. He never gave up hope, even during those days when it seemed as though reaching an agreement would be impossible. Paul’s positive attitude was an inspiration to everyone, and I believe made a huge difference in keeping membership morale strong the last three years.”

Highlights of historic first Advanced Disposal contract include:

“Even though it took a quite a lot of time and effort to get a contract, the end result is one which the members could take pride in supporting, and did so unanimously,” Kozicki said. “Now that these negotiations are finally behind us, Local 247 can move on and focus our efforts on enforcing the contract and giving members the quality Teamster representation they expect.”

On a related topic, Kozicki thanked Advanced Disposal for their commitment to helping the community. During Local 299‘s 2013 holiday food drive, Advanced Disposal donated a 30-yard Dumpster to haul away trash. Volunteers assembled 900 food baskets that were then distributed to help Teamster families in need during the Christmas holiday.