Mobile Mini Workers in Kansas City Vote Unanimously to Join Teamsters Local 541

Local 541 is welcoming its new members at Mobile Mini in Kansas City, MO who voted unanimously for Teamster representation on September 10. There are four workers, plus temporary labor, included in the bargaining unit.
“This is the first Mobile Mini unit that has been organized in the whole country that we know of,” said Local 541 Vice President and Business Representative Danny Gercone.
Mobile Mini workers do installation, maintenance and transport work for the building materials company, which provides containers for storage and mobile office structures at construction sites. They hope Teamster representation will bring them better pay and benefits as well as improved work rules and conditions.
Before the election, the company brought in a union avoidance consultant, but the workers’ unity was unbreakable.
“We look forward to getting to work to win these workers a good contract,” said Gercone.