Press Releases
Clark County School District Workers Choose Teamsters Local 14

(LAS VEGAS) –– The support staff workers at the Clark County School District (CCSD) in southern Nevada voted to join the Teamsters Union today. CCSD workers voted 71 percent in favor of joining Teamsters Local 14 in Las Vegas.
“These workers have spoken. They exercised their democratic right to vote for the union representation of their choosing and they chose the Teamsters Union,” said Larry Griffith, Teamsters Local 14 Secretary-Treasurer. “Local 14 will continue to support the workers’ decision to join the Teamsters.”
“We support staff are the foundation of our school district. Without the hard work of all of us, kids wouldn’t get to school, the schools wouldn’t get clean, kids wouldn’t eat and paychecks wouldn’t be processed. We deserve better treatment and that’s why we voted for the Teamsters,” said LaJuan Davis, a CCSD employee who processes applications at the district.
The Employee-Management Relations Board (EMRB) is expected to certify the election next Wednesday.
“We are hopeful that the EMRB will recognize that an overwhelming majority voted to join the Teamsters. We are confident that the Board will make the right decision for the CCSD workers,” Griffith said.