Headline News
Teamsters And The TAMC Applaud Inclusion Of Section 402 In FAA Reauthorization Bill

(WASHINGTON) – The Teamsters and the Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition commend the inclusion of Section 402 in House Resolution (H.R.) 4441, the Aviation Innovation Reform and Reauthorization Act, saying it includes all of the provisions sought by the TAMC to assist aviation mechanics, raise standards in maintenance, repair and overhaul stations and protect the flying public.
Introduced by House of Representatives Transportation and Aviation Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) and Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.), Section 402 of the bill addresses Federal Aviation Administration oversight at foreign aircraft repair stations, drug and alcohol testing at foreign repair stations and background checks for workers performing safety sensitive functions at repair stations to ensure that those workers do not present a threat to aviation safety.
“We are very pleased with the inclusion of Section 402 in the FAA reauthorization bill today,” said International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa. “It contains important, common sense measures to ensure that safety is the number one priority for everyone who works on or flies on an airplane. We will continue to apply pressure to Congress until these provisions are signed into law.”
“Having these issues addressed in this bill is a huge victory in our continuing fight to improve aviation safety,” said TAMC Chairman Chris Moore. “The TAMC would like to thank everyone who helped us accomplish this tremendous feat, especially our rank and file members and the local unions who support them. I’d like to highlight the unity and strength we received working with Teamster Local 1224’s legislative wing and the Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations (CAPA). These members spent hours walking the halls of the Senate and House office buildings, speaking with our elected officials as they explained in great detail the dangers of not acting on these issues. We will continue to work on behalf of our members and friends to ensure that this legislation will be the best bill possible for everyone involved.”
“This section of the bill was possible because of the monumental effort of the TAMC to pressure our lawmakers for the continued improvement of aviation safety,” said Teamsters Airline Director David Bourne. “The results of that work are shown in Section 402 of this bill. I want to thank everyone in the Airline Division and the Teamsters Airline Mechanics Coalition, who kept aviation safety in the minds of people around the world for the past nine years. Airline mechanics and the flying public deserve regulations that ensure safety is at the forefront of industry and labor alike.”
Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit www.teamster.org for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/teamsters.