All Workers Should Have the Backs of Verizon Strikers

It’s been two weeks since nearly 40,000 Verizon workers went on strike. The workers are standing tall against their greedy corporate bosses who are looking to squeeze every nickel out of them even as the telecom giant pockets $1.5 billion in profits each month.
Due to its sheer size and focus in the populated Northeast U.S., this strike has caught the attention of the public more than many do. Add to that the increasing reliance many people have on their wireless devices, and it’s created a perfect storm of what is at stake for those who toil on the company’s behalf.
Everyday Americans understand that income inequality is gripping more and more workers in this country. This, despite mega-corporations like Verizon raking in substantial profits. Their view is why share that money when you can force unionized workers out?
Verizon workers are fighting back. They’re picketing in major cities across the U.S. letting the public know they are being treated unfairly by their employer. As Verizon Wireless employee KC Tucker of Brooklyn, N.Y. noted in a video on the strikers’ Facebook page, “We come to work and help them make this money. They can give back to us and give us a little something too.”
Those on strike are asking fellow workers not to cross these picket lines. They note the issues they face are ones that many hard-working Americans experience on the job as well. Taking a stand for higher wages helps everyone.
The Teamsters and other unions have promised their support for the cause. They understand that trimming staff, paying more for health care and getting less in retirement benefits isn’t a good deal. It’s time that others realize what is really at stake here as well.