
Labriola Bakery Drivers Ratify First Teamster Contract


Workers at Labriola Baking Company proved truck drivers are still the bread and butter of the Teamsters Union. After more than four years of unity, patience and perseverance, the Chicago delivery drivers have ratified their first Teamster contract. The 40-worker unit voted unanimously in favor of the new contract, ensuring the Chicago bakery workers strong protections on the job.

The bakery drivers originally voted to join Local 734 in September 2011 before being forced to bear years of delay tactics and decertification attempts by company management. But the Teamster members’ refusal to give up on their rights paid off with a strong collective bargaining agreement that guarantees annual wage increases, holidays, vacations, job security and a grievance procedure.

“The drivers at Labriola never gave up the fight for a Teamster contract. Their commitment to one another, and to the labor movement, is inspiring,” said Brian Meidel, President of Local 734. “Local 734 has represented bakeries and bakery drivers in Chicago for more than a century, and we couldn’t be prouder to see this meaningful, hard-fought first contract ratified at Labriola.”

The three-year contract includes pay raises for all workers and additional compensation for holidays, bereavement leave and jury duty. Job security language also clearly defines workers’ roles and responsibilities while acknowledging their commitment to the company.

“These bakery drivers epitomize the Chicago Teamsters—tireless and determined champions of labor and justice,” said John T. Coli, International Vice President and President of Joint Council 25. “As a growing Chicago company, Labriola has done very well for itself in the industry and it’s gratifying to see the workers finally stake their claim to its success and its future.”