Headline News
Teamsters Call on Locals to Gather UPS Contract Proposals

The Teamsters UPS National Negotiating Committee has sent out notices to all UPS and UPS Freight locals requesting contract proposals from members. Proposal forms have been sent out to locals who will be putting together meetings with UPS members in the coming weeks.
“It is great to see so many Teamsters passionate about the upcoming negotiations – we are seeing a lot of ideas from members on social media about what they would like in the next contract,” said Sean O’Brien, Director of the Teamsters Package Division. “But in additional to social media, it’s extremely important that members get with their locals to fill out these proposal forms.”
Separate proposal forms for the UPS Master Agreement, supplements, riders, addenda and the UPS Freight Agreement have been distributed to locals around the country. The forms, which must be submitted through your local union, are due back to the IBT by August 31.
This is a critical part of the process as we prepare to fight for a strong contract in 2018. If you have proposed contract changes, talk to your local and make sure you fill out a proposal form as soon as possible. To win, we need all UPS Teamsters involved and united in this fight.