Headline News
Teamsters, ABF To Hold Second Round Of Negotiations

The Teamsters National Freight Industry (TNFINC) will hold a second round of negotiations with ABF starting on Monday, January 29. This first round of negotiations took place from January 8-11.
The initial meetings focused primarily on language issues but ABF raised claims that its employee costs and operating costs are too high. TNFINC, however, made it clear that members were not interested in a concessionary contract.
“Rather than get bogged down right off the bat in what could have easily resulted in a collision, we spent the initial meetings trying to resolve some of the less controversial issues and made progress in those areas,” said Ernie Soehl, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division and Co-Chairman of TNFINC.
The current ABF National Master Freight Agreement runs through March 31, 2018 and covers more than 8,000 members.
To view the PDF file of the update, click here