Headline News
Teamsters Triple Threat in Iowa

Three Teamsters are seeking state office in Iowa – a direct response to the legislature’s decision to curtail the collective bargaining power of unions in the state.
“The Republicans have acted like unsupervised spoiled children and have trashed the State House and broken the government,” said Jesse Case, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 238. “We need adults like Christian, Reenie and Jeff in the House to fix the damage. Their opponents need to be grounded.”
Christian Andrews is a member of Local 238 and works for the city of Mount Vernon in the Public Works Department. He’s running for the state legislature in House District 95.
Reenie Montgomery, a Local 238 shop steward, is running for the House District 96 seat in the state legislature. She is a former Monticello city councilwoman who currently works for the Manchester Police Department as a dispatcher for the Delaware County Communications Center.
Jeff Kurtz, former president of BLET Division 391, is running in House District 83. Kurtz also served as Iowa State Legislative Board Chairman from 2004-2014, where he lobbied extensively for rail safety at both state and federal levels. He retired from the Burlington Santa Fe Railroad in 2014 after working there more than 40 years.