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Motion Picture & Theatrical Trade Unions Stand in Solidarity During COVID-19 Crisis

Press Contact: Galen Munroe Phone: (202) 439-7427 Email: gmunroe@teamster.org
(WASHINGTON) – Today, unions and guilds that represent thousands of workers in the motion picture, television and theatrical trade industry, released a letter of solidarity to its members.
The letter offered a message of hope and unity during this time of crisis that has seen COVID-19 not only threaten the health of the union and guild members and their families, but their livelihoods as well.
Included in the letter are hyperlinks to COVID-19 resources from all of the undersigned unions and guilds.
“In this this difficult time it is imperative that all of us in this industry stand in solidarity,” said Tom O’Donnell, Director of the Teamsters Motion Picture and Theatrical Trades Division. “We must all do whatever we can to help our union brothers and sisters as we face an uncertain future.”