Press Releases
Teamsters at Air Express International Vote to Approve One-Year Contract Extension

(WASHINGTON) – Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Teamsters at Air Express International (AEI) have overwhelmingly approved a one-year contract extension through December 31, 2021.
AEI Teamsters voted over the past several days at local unions, and they approved the extension by a 92-percent margin. About 77 percent of the eligible bargaining unit members voted.
“This extension will allow the union and the company to attempt to complete negotiations that have been delayed due to the pandemic,” said Bill Hamilton, Director of the Teamsters Express Division. “We appreciate our members’ support as we continue to confront these challenging times.”
The extension agreement, which covers approximately 850 members, provides a general wage increase of $.50 per hour to bargaining unit employees. It also includes an increase in benefit fund contributions for 2021 in order to maintain benefits.
The Teamsters National AEI Negotiating Committee will continue to work diligently and hopes to negotiate a new complete agreement that protects jobs and secures wages and benefits.
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