Headline News
Scholarship Application Deadline: March 1

High school seniors who are the sons, daughters and financial dependents of Teamster members have until March 1 to apply for a scholarship from the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Scholarships range from $1,000 to $10,000 for Academic scholarships for four-year colleges and universities to $500 to $2,000 Training/Vocational Program scholarships. All high school seniors who are the sons, daughters or financial dependents of a Teamster member may apply, this includes members of the GCC, BLET and BMWED in both the U.S. and Canada.
The application process is on-line and can be found at www.jrhmsf.org . The website also has information on the application process and eligibility.
Additionally, the JRHMSF, through our administration firm, ISTS, offers tuition discounts to various colleges and universities. The information on the tuition discount program can be found at https://www.applyists.com/tuition-discount-network/
(The tuition discount program is independent of the JRHMSF and does not require that a student be a recipient of a JRHMSF award.)