Press Releases

Teamsters Local 174 On ‘Unfair Labor Practice’ Strike at Gary Merlino Construction

GMC Local 174

Group of 34 construction drivers withhold labor over GMC’s failure to bargain in good faith

At 5:30am on Friday November 19, pickets went up at Gary Merlino Construction plants in Renton and Seattle as workers walked off the job in an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike. The strike was called after GMC management refused to bargain in good faith with Teamsters Local 174.

The striking workers have set up picket lines outside several GMC facilities, and concrete mixer drivers for Stoneway Concrete, as well as customers and suppliers of Gary Merlino and Stoneway Concrete and their employees, have the right to refuse to cross the picket lines. The strike has impacted all construction and concrete operations for GMC/Stoneway, and will continue until GMC management returns to the bargaining table ready to negotiate in good faith to reach a deal.