
Workers at UPS-CSI Join Teamsters Local 243


Clerks Join Growing Number of CSI Teamsters Nationwide

Press Contact: Kara Deniz  Email:

(ROMULUS, Mich.) –Workers at UPS Cartage Services Inc. (CSI) have voted overwhelmingly to join Teamsters Local 243.

The group of office clerks work for a division of UPS that specializes in importing and exporting high volume freight.

“We chose to organize after speaking with some of our co-workers who are already Teamsters and seeing the gains they achieved in the new UPS National Master Agreement,” said Jennifer Nowaske, a clerk at CSI and member of Local 243.

Office workers at other CSI locations are also organizing with the Teamsters Union, which represents hundreds of CSI dock workers, drivers, and clerks in various parts of the country. Newly organized workers at CSI are fighting for the high wages, benefits, and improved working conditions enjoyed by other Teamsters working at UPS.

“I want to congratulate these workers for becoming Teamsters. We look forward to achieving a strong first contract that aligns with what other UPS Teamsters have won at the bargaining table,” said Scott Quenneville, President of Local 243.

“After winning strong improvements for CSI Teamsters at UPS during contract negotiations this year, more workers around the country are eager to join the union and secure the same standards. We welcome the newest members from Local 243 and look forward to welcoming more CSI workers to the Teamsters,” said Ron Seamans Jr., CSI Director of the Teamsters Package Division.

Teamsters Local 243 represents workers in a wide variety of industries throughout Michigan. For more information, visit