Press Releases
Salt Lake City Red Cross Workers Organize With Teamsters

Utah Technicians Are the First Red Cross Unit to Organize with Teamsters in 2024
Press Contact: Matt McQuaid Phone: (202) 624-6877 Email:
(SALT LAKE CITY) – Manufacturing distribution technicians at the American Red Cross in Salt Lake City have voted overwhelmingly to join Teamsters Local 222. These workers join more than 50 other American Red Cross workers who have organized with Local 222.
“We are elated to welcome another group of essential American Red Cross workers to the Teamsters,” said Spencer Hogue, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 222. “These workers play a critical role in not just Salt Lake City, but in the national blood supply chain. Their important contributions to our communities should be rewarded with a strong union contract.”
“With national negotiations slated to kick off in the coming weeks, American Red Cross workers are forming their union with the Teamsters to ensure their priorities are addressed in the new collective bargaining agreement,” said Jason Lopes, Teamsters Health Care Director. “We look forward to getting to work on negotiating the strongest possible agreement for all American Red Cross Teamsters.”
These workers will join more than 1,800 other American Red Cross workers represented by the Teamsters and immediately be covered by a National Master Agreement between the Teamsters and the American Red Cross.
“I voted to join the Teamsters so I can work to live, rather than live to work,” said Matthew Ocasio, a manufacturing distribution technician at the American Red Cross in Salt Lake City.
Teamsters Local 222 serves over 4,500 members working for 35 employers across the entire state of Utah. For more information, visit