Press Releases
Teamsters at Botera Cannabis Ratify Collective Bargaining Agreement

Union’s First Dispensary Contract in New England Signed in the City of Champions
Press Contact: Matt McQuaid Phone: (617) 894-0669 Email:
(BROCKTON, Mass.) – Budtenders at Botera Cannabis have voted unanimously to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement with Teamsters Local 653. The budtenders, cashiers, inventory and security staff are the first group of cannabis workers in New England to be covered under a Teamsters contract.
“We look forward to securing strong collective bargaining agreements like this one at other dispensaries throughout the region,” said Peter Finn, Teamsters Western Region International Vice President and Food Processing Division Director. “Working families in Massachusetts and beyond know that a Teamsters contract is a ticket to the middle class, whether in cannabis or any other industry.”
“Business Agent Bryan Voci and the workers on the bargaining committee did a great job with this contract, which will set the standard for others in the New England cannabis industry who are seeking representation,” said Mike Clark, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 653.
In addition to providing a legally binding guarantee for pre-existing benefits like tips and discounts, the new contract includes paid time off, bereavement leave, and holidays, health care benefits, company-funded 401(k) contributions and an 18 percent wage increase over the lifetime of the three-year agreement.
“I like that we got what we were looking to get. When I started at Botera a year and a half ago, we only had Thanksgiving and Christmas off and it was unpaid,” said Justin Calcutta, a Botera worker. “Ever since the contract got ratified, everyone here has been excited and we’re glad to be in a position where we can get the money that we deserve.”
Teamsters Local 653 represents workers in a wide variety of industries throughout the South Shore. For more information, go to