Press Releases
Town of Lewiston Teamsters Ratify New Collective Bargaining Agreement

Public Sector Workers Secure 15 Percent Wage Increases Over Life of Contract
Press Contact: Daniel Moskowitz Phone: (770) 262-4971 Email:
(LEWISTON, N.Y.) – Teamsters Local 264 members who work for the Town of Lewiston have voted to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement. The three-year agreement is retroactive to January 1, 2024, and includes a general wage increase of 15 percent over the life of the contract, stipend increases, longevity bonuses, and language regarding additional holidays and sick leave buy backs.
“We are pleased that the Town of Lewiston and Town Supervisor Broderick have finally come to their senses and offered these essential workers a fair contract,” said Brian Dickman, President of Local 264. “These workers play a pivotal role in the safety and security of Lewiston residents – and they deserve the protections of a union contract. We are grateful to our Lewiston workers for their unwavering commitment to holding strong and getting the contract they deserve.”
Teamsters covered by the new contract work as police dispatchers and in various roles in the town hall, highway department, local courts, and water department.
“We play an important role in Lewiston and believe we should not only be compensated fairly, but treated with dignity and respect by town officials,” said Maria Sicurella, a union steward. “Thank you to our union for having our backs and negotiating a competitive contract for us. We are proud to be Teamsters – especially today with a new and improved contract!”
Teamsters Local 264 represents a wide variety of workers throughout Buffalo, N.Y. and the surrounding communities. For more information, go to