Teamsters at Waste Management Unanimously Ratify New Contract

Local 50 Members Secure Large Wage Increases, Eliminate Two-Tier Wage Scheme
Press Contact: Kara Deniz Email:
(SWANSEA, III.) – Members of Teamsters Local 50 in Swansea, Ill., have unanimously ratified a new five-year collective bargaining agreement with Waste Management. The contract provides commercial and residential drivers an immediate 18 percent wage increase, along with an additional 3.5 percent increase each following year.
“We won big pay raises in this contract, and stuck together through the entire process,” said Ryan Shaw, a residential driver and shop steward with Local 50. “Waste Management unsuccessfully attempted to decertify our union last year, but we pushed back. We took the energy of that decertification campaign and brought it to the bargaining table. A lot of guys won immediate six or seven dollar raises as a result.”
“Our members stood their ground, and demanded from Waste Management the pay and respect they deserve,” said Pat Nichols, President of Local 50. “Waste Management tried to decertify this group and failed. Through the strength of our stewards and the more senior guys, the workers prevailed. I want to thank Chuck Stiles, Larry Daugherty, and the Teamsters Solid Waste Division for their assistance in securing such a lucrative contract for our members.”
Teamsters Local 50 represents more than 2,000 workers in a wide variety of industries throughout southern Illinois. For more information, visit