Press Releases

Teamsters at Ryder in Salt Lake City Reject Company’s Final Offer, Authorize Strike

Ryder SLC

Mechanics, Service Attendants Demand Fair Contract with Teamsters Health Insurance

Press Contact: Matt McQuaid Phone: (202) 624-6877 Email:

(SALT LAKE CITY) – Ryder Truck Rental mechanics and service attendants represented by Teamsters Local 222 have voted unanimously to reject the company’s last, best, and final offer, terminate the contract extension, and authorize a strike.

“Our Ryder members are tired of substandard, expensive benefits and are demanding change,” said Spencer Hogue, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 222. “They have stood firm on their demand for union insurance which not only provides better coverage but does so at a lower cost than the employer’s plan. These members unanimously rejected an offer from Ryder and every member of Local 222 is proud to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters at Ryder who are fighting for a fair contract.”

Workers are demanding that the employer come to terms on a fair agreement that includes Teamsters Health and Welfare coverage.

“The company has reported recorded profits year after year. We are standing united and demanding affordable health insurance because this is how you retain employees and bring in new talent,” said Ralph Gonzales, a 10-year veteran at Ryder.

Ryder Truck Rental agreed to meet with Local 222 once more on July 18.

Teamsters Local 222 serves more than 4,500 members working for 35 employers across the state of Utah. For more information, visit