Press Releases

One Thousand Administrative Workers at University of California Join Teamsters


Local 2010 Wins Representation for Misclassified Workers as Membership Continues to Grow

Press Contact: Aimee Baror Phone: (213) 220-0538 Email:

(OAKLAND, Calif.) – Following favorable rulings from the state labor board, Teamsters Local 2010 has added more than 1,000 workers to its bargaining unit at the University of California (UC) who were previously misclassified as nonunion. In July, 400 executive assistants joined Local 2010’s Clerical and Allied Services CX unit, and in September more than 670 financial services analysts were accreted into the CX unit.

These new members will immediately receive all the protections and raises in the current Teamsters contract, and will now bargain for higher pay, reduced benefit costs, overtime pay, job security, and respect in the workplace.

UC administrative workers have been organizing for years to become Teamsters and the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) issued unit modifications allowing these improperly classified workers to join the CX unit.

Local 2010’s member power campaign has translated directly into higher wages for workers. The Teamsters difference is clear: the CX unit went from five years of no raises and no contract under its predecessor to winning the best contracts in the unit’s history. By the time the current Teamsters CX unit contract expires in 2025, Teamsters will have won a compounded 83 percent in pay increases since 2011.

“As a first-time union member, I’m delighted to be part of the Teamsters, which is one of the strongest labor unions in the world,” said Angela Gross, an executive assistant at UC San Francisco. “Becoming a Teamster is a powerful step toward ensuring that the rights of workers across the UC system are fully respected, and I’m proud to be part of this movement.”

With nine years of experience as an executive assistant at UC, Gross said she understands the value of efficient systems and support.

“I believe the bargaining team is key to driving improvements that benefit both Teamsters and the UC system. Volunteering for the team allows me to help ensure that our voices are heard so that we secure fair wages, respect, and the rights we deserve,” Gross said.

“We are thrilled to welcome more than 1,000 executive assistants and financial analysts to our fast-growing union,” said Jason Rabinowitz, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 2010. “We are proud of all we have achieved building the size and strength of Local 2010. Together, we have built the member power that has won strong contracts and unprecedented raises for our members and their families.”

Lynn Matevosian, an executive assistant at UCLA, volunteered for the bargaining team to gain firsthand knowledge on unions and how they operate.

“This is my first experience working in a union. I am excited about being part of the Teamsters because my perception is that union members have positive experiences with their representation,” Matevosian said. “I’m looking forward to being able to bargain as part of a powerful union, and to have the step system pay structure the Teamsters fought so hard to achieve.”

The executive assistants began the bargaining process on Oct. 1 for salary ranges, step placement, on-call and shift differential pay, as well as other bonus eligibility and pay.

Teamsters Local 2010 is a union of 19,500 hardworking employees in California higher education. We are affiliated with the 1.3 million members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters across the United States and Canada. We stand together to win better wages, benefits, and working conditions. We strive to protect workers’ rights through direct action and determined labor representation. For more information, visit