Press Releases

Teamsters Charge Bigfoot with Additional Unfair Labor Practices During Strike


Workers Refuse to Bow Down to Beverage Distributor’s Concessionary Demands

Press Contact: Matt McQuaid Phone: (202) 624-6877 Email:

(EUGENE, Ore.) – Amid an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike at Bigfoot Beverages, Teamsters Locals 206 and 324 have charged the company with additional ULPs for unlawfully threatening workers for engaging in federally protected union activity. Bigfoot workers went on strike September 19 after Bigfoot attempted to unlawfully eliminate a core pension benefit and lied to the bargaining committee.

“One would think that an employer would refrain from breaking the law during a strike that was initiated by an employer breaking the law,” said Mark Davison, Teamsters Western Region International Vice President and President of Joint Council 37. “Bigfoot seems to think that’s too much to ask. This is thuggish behavior, and the Teamsters won’t stand for it.”

The Teamsters represent over 200 drivers, warehouse workers, merchandisers, and technicians at Bigfoot. The most recent charges were filed after the company threatened to have workers charged with trespassing when lawfully picketing on two separate occasions, and Bigfoot managers sent text messages threatening the jobs of Teamsters on strike.

“This isn’t the behavior of the locally allied, community service-oriented company that Bigfoot seeks to depict itself as,” said Chris Muhs, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 324. “This is what we’d expect to see from robber barons 100 years ago. It didn’t work on Teamsters then, and it won’t work on us now. We’re united, we’re resolute, and we don’t back down.”

In addition to unlawful union busting, Bigfoot has been lying to Teamsters and the public about the benefits of a proposed switch from a pension to a 401(k) plan. The reality is Bigfoot Teamsters are fighting back against a proposal where each member would have to spend at least $3,300 per year out of pocket just to match the company’s current rate of funding for their retirement benefits.

“We weren’t born yesterday, and we know a scam when we see one,” said Geoff Stewart, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 206. “This is a pay cut, and this company won’t be able to go back to business as usual until it comes to its senses and negotiates a fair contract.”

Teamsters Joint Council 37 represents workers in Oregon, Southwest Washington, and Idaho. For more information, go to