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DFA Teamsters Take Action for a Strong Contract All Across the Country

Teamsters all across the country at Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) publicly displayed signs at their job sites last week to demonstrate their fearlessness and solidarity with one another. Over 1,800 DFA workers at more than 25 local unions are entering bargaining this month to demand better compensation and working conditions at the agribusiness behemoth.
“Our members are coming together and will rise – as one – to get the contract they deserve,” said Lou Villalvazo, Chairman of the DFA National Bargaining Committee and Secretary-Treasurer of Local 630. “This is one employer, bargaining with one union, so it shouldn’t be too hard for our members to have a single, high standard across the country.”
DFA Teamsters are demanding higher wages, improved health care, common expiration dates on all of our collective bargaining agreements, and an end two-tiered retirement benefits. The co-op is the largest of its kind, producing one of every five glasses of milk in the U.S.