On this page is a description of materials currently available for your local organizing campaign, with links at the bottom of the page to download each document. Note that the fliers are in Word format so that you can enter your local union contact information. We will be adding additional materials as they become available. Included is a PDF of artwork for campaign stickers that can be printed on Avery labels. Complete instructions are included with the artwork.

The September 2018 issue of the Teamster Times is a 4-page newsletter containing information about the XPO campaign. You can view a version for reading or printing on 4 pages of standard-size paper, or view a version for printing on front and back of an 11″ x 17″ sheet, then folded in half to create a 4-page newsletter.

XPO National Leafleting Day flier for April 9-12, 2018: Here is the flier for the National Leafleting scheduled for April 9-12. Local unions may fill in the information at the bottom with their local contact person and telephone number.

XPO National Leafleting Day flier for June 28-29, 2017: Here is the flier for the National Leafleting scheduled for June 28-29, 2017. Local unions may fill in the information at the bottom with their local contact person and telephone number.

XPO Europe Shareholder Meeting Flier: This flier was distributed at the XPO Europe shareholder meeting on June 29, 2017.

XPO National Leafleting Day flier for April 19-20, 2017: Here is the flier for the National Leafleting scheduled for April 19-20, 2017. Local unions may fill in the information at the bottom with their local contact person and telephone number.

Flier for XPO National Leafleting Week of Dec. 12, 2016: This is the flier that will be distributed focusing on the huge stock windfall that CEO Bradley Jacobs could receive.

XPO Health Care Flier: This flier addresses the company’s recent decision to raise health care costs while reducing benefits–yet another reason why workers need to form a union.

XPO Flier for National Leafleting Oct. 14-19, 2016: This is the flier to be handed out to XPO/Con-way Freight workers during the Oct. 14-19 National Leafleting that highlights the victories in Aurora, IL and North Haven, CT.

XPO/Con-way Flier for National Leafleting June 2-7, 2016: This is the flier to be handed out to XPO/Con-way Freight workers during the June 2-7 National Leafleting that summarizes the joint fight for justice that XPO/Con-way, XPO port drivers are warehouse workers are undertaking.

XPO/Con-way Flier for National Leafleting May 18-20, 2016: This is the flier to be handed out to XPO/Con-way Freight workers during the May 18-20 National Leafleting that summarizes the joint fight for justice that XPO/Con-way, XPO port drivers are warehouse workers are undertaking.

Flier for National Leafleting on April 18-20, 2016: This is the flier to be handed out to XPO/Con-way Freight workers during the April 18-20 National Leafleting that summarizes the joint fight for justice that XPO/Con-way, XPO port drivers are warehouse workers are undertaking.

Flier for National Leafleting on Feb. 29 or March 1, 2016: This is the flier to be handed out to XPO/Con-way Freight workers during the Feb. 29 or March 1, 2016 National Leafleting that summarizes the joint fight for justice that XPO/Con-way and XPO port drivers are undertaking.

National Leafleting Day Flier for Feb.11-12, 2016: This is the flier to be handed out to Con-way Freight workers during the on Feb. 11 and 12, 2016 National Leafleting that summarizes the major changes XPO Logistics/Con-way is making at the company.

National Leafleting Day flier—Oct. 20, 2015: Flier to be distributed at Con-way terminals on Oct. 20, 2015 on National Leafleting Day.

What Company Cannot Do Flier: Flier listing anti-union behavior that the company and its officials legally cannot do.

Our Pay Raise Flier: Shortly after workers started organizing with the Teamsters, the company announced the big pay raise. The union is already working for Con-way workers.

The Truth About Strikes: A flier discussing the truth about strikes.

Teamsters Power at UPS Freight: UPS Freight Teamsters lend their voices to the campaign, showing what a Teamsters contract has meant for them.

Victory in Miami Flier: Local 769 welcomes a group of 74 drivers and dockworkers in Miami, who voted on December 11, 2014.

The Company’s Anti-Union Literature: The company has been distributing anti-union literature. You can access the materials here.

Con-way Terminal List: List of Con-way terminals nationwide.

Don’t Believe XPO’s Campaign of Misinformation Flier: This flier provides a rebuttal to management’s claims that contract negotiations are not going anywhere in Miami. Two workers who belong to the Negotiating Committee dispel these company lies.