Railroad Safety

WHEREAS, the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Division (BMWED) and  the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen Division (BLET) of the Teamsters Rail Conference represent over 70,000 railroad workers; and

WHEREAS, the work performed by BMWED and BLET members is critical to the safety and profitability of the railroad industry and the strength of the U.S. economy; and

WHEREAS, the work performed by BMWED and BLET members is inherently dangerous; and

WHEREAS, BMWED and BLET work closely together in the regulatory and legislative arenas to further railroad safety for the benefit of their members, the industry and the public-at-large; and

WHEREAS, BMWED and BLET are leading the way in all areas of railroad safety.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED at this 29th International Convention that delegates go on record in support of the Rail Conference unions’ efforts to improve railroad safety by calling upon the Federal Railroad Administration to adopt federal standards strengthening requirements for two-person train crews on all trains, mandating emergency escape breathing apparatus for train crews hauling toxic-by-inhalation and poisonous-by-inhalation materials, and affording  protection to crews involved with the shipment of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the delegates to the 2016 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Convention go on record in support of the Rail Conference unions’ efforts to improve standards for track safety, bridge safety and rail integrity; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the delegates to the 2016 International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Convention go on record in support of full and timely implementation of positive train control (PTC) technology to prevent train-to-train collisions, prevent over-speed derailments, and prevent incursions into established work zones limits; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the delegates to the 2016 International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Convention go on record in support of the Rail Conference unions’ efforts to mitigate and address fatigue through a combination of predictable scheduling, increased manpower, reduced travel territories and the furnishing of clean and sanitary single-occupancy rest accommodations, nutritious meals, and appropriate away-from-home travel and meal allowances; and

FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the delegates to the 2016 International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Convention go on record supporting closer cooperation between the Federal Railroad Administration and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to address any gaps in regulatory coverage to protect railroad workers from all occupational hazards that exist in the railroad industry.